
Description Daily 00: Mission Statement

For National Podcast Post Month 2010, Valerie and Matt ride a bus and sort of explain what this daily podcast might be about...sort of.


Okay, guys, so I'm back! Woohoo!

Well, I'm at least back for this month, or as much of this month as I can pull off. Since you last heard from me, not only are Matt and I still together (whew), but my actual description work for Canadian television has taken off. I produced described video for the current season of a show called Healthy Gourmet, am now working on another cooking reality show, only with more yelling, Conviction Kitchen; and will be doing the latest season of the pretty popular CBC series Little Mosque on the Prairie - which I did the first season of when working for someone else, so that one's pretty sweet. Add to that some documentaries and various things in the States, and it's kind of nuts.

Another purpose of doing NaPodPoMo not mentioned in the Mission Statement is to use material I recorded for at least two episodes I haven't had time to edit together. It doesn't look like I'll be able to make proper Description episodes of them in the forseeable future, so I'll make improper Description Daily episodes of them. As for the proposed music, I'm following what I did last year and not getting anyone's permission. We'll all survive, I hope.

Of course, the past episodes of Description remain here, and the episodes of last year's NaPodPoMo series, No Mood Swing, are still here (I'm still pretty happy with them, frankly).

If you've been with me throughout Description, I can't thank you enough for that. Maybe this will help. Or maybe it will get you sick of me enough to not care that I've podfaded. Should be a win-win. :-)

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