
Description 31 - WinterCity

Sitting smack in front of a space heater, I talk about what's great and not-so-great about winter in Canada, then check out how Toronto does its damndest to celebrate it, with help from The Bicycles, some Royal Conservatory of Music bassoon players, and lots of people of stilts.

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(Man, I could use those right about now.)

Associated links:
City of Toronto WinterCity 2007
Peyton Manning: "Cut That Meat!"
Tandoori Doritos @ Snackspot.org.uk
Toronto's "Snow Management" page (bastards!)
Dryden, Ontario
Nathan Phillips Square
Buckley's Mixture and the Bad Taste Tour
The Podcast of My Discontent (Tristan's fine video podcast)
The Ontario Travel Snowglobe
the freakin' awesome Dave Bidini
Royal Conservatory of Music
The Bicycles!

From what I understand, the pre-eminent winter festival in this country is Carnaval de Québec. It is HUGE. Okay, so Ottawa has Winterlude with the skating on the canal and the Beaver Tails and stuff. But do they have Bonhomme? No stay-puff marshmallow man voyageur snowman mascot? Then I rest my case.

Then again, can Bonhomme play bassoon?

Uh...yeah, I guess he probably can.


When I rambled with Russel

In my meanderings in Second Life, I've met a fellow named Russel who not only is from the Lindsay/Peterborough area (uh, somewhere to the northeast of here a couple hours) but also a podcaster. A couple days ago, Valerie Bethune was shopping for clothes as usual in SL when Russel IM'd me asking if he could interview me on Skype for his show, as it's weekly and he was hurting for content. (See what happens when you make these shows regular?) So I took him up on it and we shot the breeze for an hour or so. Now, it's part of his new episode (35), with me re-hashing the Dubber and Spoons story, giving a preview of my next episode, dissing Global Television, and basically blathering about stuff podcasters blather about when they get together. Russel was a great host (despite the fact he's calling me a "lady" in his episode description), and also has a good audiobook review in the show. Oh, and his opening theme music is wicked! So feel free to check it out.